strategy and value chain collaboration

Rebel supports decision makers within government and business by making their circular plans concrete and executable. This almost always requires collaboration with public and private parties.

Strategy and value chain cooperation

In short

Policy makers and decision-makers have ambitious, idealistic plans. Rebel helps make those plans concrete and achievable. Take the plans to make the international leather chain sustainable or the plastics chain circular by 2050. We figure out how to bring this to fruition. What policy measures are effective and what can be the role of extended producer responsibility in making value chains circular?

Furthermore, the circular economy has major implications for how companies operate: the waste processor may well be the raw materials supplier of the future. Rebel thinks about different scenarios, their consequences for business operations and solutions to make the plans viable in the private sector as well. We do this for individual companies, but we are also the driving force behind value chain collaborations. There where the public and private sector need to find each other, is where we operate. For example, we think along with municipalities and developers about the right way of collecting waste in large area developments. How do you keep the area livable and achieve maximum waste separation? And we work with governments and various value chain organisations to identify and remove barriers around chemical recycling and give it the place in the recycling landscape it deserves.


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