
Within Rebel our specialized Flora&Fauna team creates value connections between ecology and economy. Starting point is that without healthy ecosystems the economy cannot work in the long term. As we are in the midst of a biodiversity crisis worldwide and shortage of nature in our direct surroundings, we need to adapt the system. Without flourishing ecosystems the economy cannot work in the long term.


In brief

Our mission is to prove that the business case for nature is positive. We work on models that unite ecology and economics, thus integrating ecological values in economic business cases. These integrated business cases present eye openers for public and private parties. We show the public sector and NGO’s pathways to increase the financing options of their ambitions and standards for flora&fauna. We create breakthroughs for private sector by showing that protection of and investments in flora&fauna in the end does not represent costs but long term financial value and sustainable perspective for business.

Our team offers a wide range of services ranging from guiding green transitions and strategy, developing models to monetize the value of ecosystem services as well as creating business cases for property development. We know about economics and financing but also about ecosystems and biodiversity. We operate in a relevant network of specialists among banks, industry, NGO’s and government agencies. Our clients include property developers, governments and businesses. Together with you we look forward to bridging the gap between ecology and economy.


In addition to social value, animals also offer economic value. Without bats, bees and moths our crops would not be pollinated. Caterpillars produce silk, fish can be eaten and our children own rabbits as pets. To reinforce that message and to give insight into what the world’s fauna offers us without us realizing it, we have tried to calculate the economic value. Although we feel that flora and fauna are valuable, practice shows that our behaviour is not always in line with our feelings.

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