About Sophie Beekenkamp

Nature conservation is a big passion of mine, and contributing to this cause with motivated public and private clients makes me hopeful for the future.

Connect with Sophie

In short

My background in biology, biodiversity, and sustainability brings a new perspective to the work field and contributes to bridging the gap between ecology and economy. I enjoy working on integral challenges where I can broaden my financial knowledge while utilizing my expertise in ecology and ecosystem services.

I mostly work on projects where nature or sustainability is the main theme. This could involve developing a policy strategy for municipalities that prioritize biodiversity, advising real estate investors on how to develop with and for nature, or collaborating on a work plan for an international climate adaptation platform.

The importance of nature to our personal and societal well-being is often underestimated. I am driven to think outside the box while investigating ways to incorporate the value of nature into our complex society.

I am always curious to learn more about and see more of our natural world through reading, traveling, workshops, and other outdoor activities. Besides working on making our urban environment more nature-inclusive and climate-resilient, I hope to have a social impact by motivating others to connect with nature more often.