tendering & contracting

Tendering & contracting
The service
Because we know both the public and the private side well, we can help with this like no other. On the public side, we organize market consultations, draw up tender and negotiation strategies, prepare tender documents and supervise the tender and assessment. In the interaction with market parties, we look for optimizations in such areas as risk allocation. On the private side, we help our partners draw up the winning bid. We support them by formulating a ‘strategy to win’, conducting the negotiations with the tenderers and ultimately producing the winning bid documents. As we increasingly participate in the execution of won projects, our solutions are also realistic.
Rebel once started within large DBFM(O)’s in financial structuring and guiding the bid, especially in contracts with Rijkswaterstaat (such as A16, Afsluitdijk). This financial-economic perspective enables us to also act from a social interest perspective in the implementation phase, for example when it comes to working out performance incentives.
Finally, we are working to professionalize asset management. By asset management, we mean all the tools and processes an organization needs to create a reliable multi-year budget for maintenance and investments. In doing so, we know what the challenges are, because we are also applying them to the assets to which Rebel has committed itself in the coming decades: Keersluis Limmel, Beatrix Lock, the Afsluitdijk and A16 Rotterdam.
We can empathize with the interests on both sides of the table and are therefore particularly effective in what we do. With this successful approach, we achieve ever better cooperation between the market and government.