Washington DC

1701 Rhode Island Avenue NW, Washington, DC View route
A close-knit team works enthusiastically from our office in the heart of Washington DC.

Our Rebels

In the heart of historic Washington DC

Rebels in Washington, D.C. help public and private organizations bridge the gap between infrastructure needs and financial resources through public-private partnerships (P3s), innovative financing, and strategic program management.

The Clackamas County Courthouse

How do you reach financial close for a significant P3 project amid turbulent financial and construction markets? The closing of the Clackamas County Circuit Courthouse Public-Private Partnership (P3) Project proves that it is possible. The project represents a momentous achievement in the P3 industry in the US.

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Bountiful Housing, Boulevards and BRT

California and other regions are suffering from a housing crisis. Bus rapid transit (BRT) and value capture could address some of these deficits.

California recently passed the “Affordable Housing and High Road Jobs Act of 2022 Act” (AB 2011) which allows multi-family housing along commercially-zoned roads as long as 15% of the units are affordable. Flexible BRT can make these areas more accessible and given potential developments’ scale value capture could pay for a good portion of BRT and other infrastructure costs.

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Transit-Oriented Development and Value Capture Post-COVID

In this publication, Rebel Sasha Page discusses how COVID may impact transportation-oriented development and value capture for years to come.

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Rebel training: financial modeling

A few times a year, we organize the two-day courses FAST Financial Modeling and FAST Project Finance Modeling. We do this at our office in Washington D.C., Rotterdam or Antwerp.

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