active mobility & road safety

A quick intro
Safe, healthy and green
Seeking active mobility is only truly encouraged if it is safe on the road. That is why we advise national and local governments and developers on active mobility and road safety. We make and evaluate policy on active mobility and road safety and implement it. We draw up programmes of requirements for area developments, putting people first. And we develop methodologies and instruments to map road safety and make more room for active mobility.
We do not shy away from challenges, but rather tackle them. We get excited by issues such as: How do you design urban areas from people’s point of view, not cars? How do you cleverly deal with limited space? How do you link space for active mobility to space for green, densification and energy transition? Who is responsible for walking and cycling policy? How to finance walking and cycling infrastructure? As a government, how do you steer active mobility and road safety in area developments and ensure the right preconditions? We connect to your issue.