Value capture implementation manual
Value capture implementation manual
Developed manual for public sector practitioners across levels of government and their partners, to identify techniques to capture critical funding at and around their transportation facilities and to further social policy goals.

The challenge
U.S. Federal and state agencies have difficulty adequately funding highway and transit infrastructure. Often however, real estate and other economic value is developed at highway interchanges, transit stations, along roads and rail right-of-ways, and in districts around transportation facilities. Possibility exists to capture some of that value to help close funding gaps.
The approach
The Federal Highway Administration commissioned Rebel and partners to develop a “Value Capture Implementation Manual” to educate practitioners on implementing 12 value capture techniques. We evaluated existing literature, researched cases studies in urban, suburban, and rural areas and highway, road, transit, and trail modes. We also analyzed implementation steps of successful projects, resulting in the 250-page manual.
We led seven workshops throughout the U.S. and a national webinar for transportation and economic development officials, planners, and developers on essential value capture implementation strategies.
The well-received and widely distributed manual led agencies to consider value capture techniques.