Setting up a national shared mobility program
Setting up a national shared mobility program
Rebel created a national program that helps address issues of standardization and harmonization of policy, tooling and data for shared mobility in The Netherlands.

The Challenge
While shared mobility is key in addressing door-to-door solutions and developing an integrated mobility system, its regulation on a national level lags behind.
The Approach
Shared mobility plays a key role in offering door-to-door multi modal trips through offering flexible mobility solutions. The potential for seamless integration with other modes makes it an attractive alternative to private cars. Well-developed shared mobility options are also a precondition for offering Mobility as a Service solutions. However, there are still many obstacles for municipalities and regions to overcome before shared mobility can be regulated in a way that serves public goals regarding spatial planning, equity, accessibility and sustainability. Well-developed policies are also essential in ensuring a level playing field for market players.
In order to address these problems, Rebel developed a national program called “Naturally Shared Mobility – responsible shared mobility for all!”. The overarching goal of this program is to increase demand and supply of shared mobility on a national scale by focusing on the standardization and harmonization of policy, tools, and data. This national program also outlines several potential projects that will work towards achieving this goal.
Rebel helped build the foundation for a more integrated and standardized shared mobility system.