Heat action plan for the city of Münster

Realized in Germany

There has been a continuous increase in annual mean temperatures for several years, which can lead to more frequent heat waves in summer. These pose a health risk to the population, particularly in cities.

The challenge

To be better prepared for these and other climatic developments, the city of Münster in Germany has developed a climate adaptation concept that includes, amongst others, the development of a heat action plan. The heat action plan particularly focuses on heat-vulnerable groups like elderly people and children.

The approach

Rebel advises the health and veterinary office of the city of Münster regarding the development of a demand-oriented heat action plan and carries out a target group specific information and participation process.

Stakeholders from social and medical institutions, schools and multipliers were informed and integrated into the development of targeted solutions.


Development of a heat action plan tailored to local conditions and needs of the city of Münster.

The experience of a Rebel

Developing an effective heat plan

"Ensuring that a new heat action plan is created in Münster by developing needs-oriented measures was a great pleasure."
Roxana Leitold