Eindhoven Internationale KnoopXL Area Development
Eindhoven Internationale KnoopXL Area Development
International KnoopXL, Eindhoven’s railway station area, will undergo a significant transformation in the next 25 years, into a new residential, living and working district. Rebel is providing strategic and financial advise to help realise this transformation.

In order to facilitate redevelopment, the municipality will have to invest heavily in a new bus station and city boulevard. Collaboration with the area’s many landowners and users will also be necessary.
The Approach
In recent years, we have worked together with the municipality, province and other consultancies to produce the Development Vision. This vision describes what the area should look like in the future. In the Development Framework, we have also set out the urban development and financial rules with which new developments must comply.
The Development Vision and Framework have been adopted by the Municipal Council and Provincial Council, and we are now working on implementing this vision. The municipality and province want to establish a joint entity (BV) for this purpose, in which they will share both the risks and profits associated with the area development. Rebel is supporting them in drawing up the business plan and the cooperation agreement (samenwerkingsovereenkomst, or SOK).
Meanwhile, the area development is continuing. We help to assess whether the various market initiatives comply with the financial frameworks. We are also involved in the development of themes such as mobility, energy, climate adaptivity and circularity, and we are helping to consider how we can organise these themes financially in the area development. In addition, we have submitted a successful Housing Impulse (Woningbouwimpuls) application for this project, resulting in the area receiving a subsidy of over €23 million for affordable housing.
Transforming an outdated office area into a central residential, living and working neighbourhood for all.