14 large-scale residential development locations
14 large-scale residential development locations
There is a major housing shortage in the Netherlands. Partly because people live alone more often and partly because of population growth. The housing shortage now stands at 279,000. How does the government intend to combat this? Build, build, build.

The challenge
Since the 1990s, the government has left the building of houses and residential infrastructure to the commercial market. They do draw up the plans, such as the construction of 900,000 homes by 2030. But the construction does require investments.
In 2020, a plan was presented to build 440,000 homes by 2040, 70 percent of which are affordable. This concerns social housing and rental housing in the free sector with a rent of less than 1000 euros per month. There was also a focus on better and more sustainable infrastructure.
The approach
Rebel, in collaboration with Stadkwadraat BV, Fakton and Decisio, has drawn up business cases for 14 large-scale residential areas. The business cases provide systematic insight into the funding of the areas and provide an estimate of the required public investments.
The studies showed that without financial support from the government, insufficient construction will take place, at a slower pace and with less affordable housing.
Contribution to a sustainable, inclusive way of building many more houses and linking public transport to this.