sustainable heat in the built environment

By 2050, 7 million homes and 1 million other buildings in the Netherlands must be natural gas-free. The demand for energy in the form of sustainable heat will therefore continue to grow in the coming years. Rebel advises public and private parties in the heating market with strategic, financial, and organizational advice.

In short

We work with initiators and developers on heating projects in their development phase. We investigate the feasibility of expanding existing heat networks or new heat networks with sustainable heat sources such as residual heat, aqua thermal energy, WKO and/or a heat pump. The proposition for energy storage and flexibility options is increasingly part of this. We develop a business case for this, using various combinations of assets based on different energy price scenarios. We also develop a smart division of tasks and risks between public and private partners towards contracting.

To bring heating projects towards financial close

Sometimes we work for all stakeholders together, and sometimes for individual stakeholders. For example, we support housing associations in reaching a connection agreement with a heat supplier or setting up a broad sustainability strategy. We help municipalities and provinces with governance issues, for example in shaping public ownership in the heat chain. Our extensive knowledge of the heating sector, regulation, financing, and structuring of the collaboration is extremely useful towards this end.

We work on public-private partnerships based on content and process to bring heating projects towards financial close. And towards realization!


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