
The focus of renewable energy is mostly electrical energy, generated by, for example, wind and sun. However, a large part of the energy demand of the Netherlands does not consist of electrical energy, but of heat and energy required for chemical processes. This energy requirement cannot simply be replaced by electrical energy and therefore other solutions are needed.


In short

One of these solutions is hydrogen, produced in the future from renewable energy and therefore green hydrogen. Water is converted into hydrogen and oxygen via electric charge, completely CO2-neutral. Green hydrogen can carry energy – unlike wind and sun – and can therefore be used as a raw material: a sustainable transition to renewable electricity. Green hydrogen will play an indispensable role in industry and heavy transport in the future. 

Despite the promising future of hydrogen, the business case for green hydrogen is under pressure. The production of green hydrogen depends on the cost and availability of renewable energy. Rebel is well acquainted with these challenges. 

The development of hydrogen and its financing is relatively new, which makes potential projects even more challenging. In the Netherlands and abroad, we look at the yield and costs of hydrogen plants, together with the required financing and the possibilities thereof. We are also looking at system integration: how can energy from offshore wind be linked to the production of hydrogen in the future? And, how can a system be integrally optimized for both the production of electricity and hydrogen?

Rebel is also involved in the hydrogen transition on a strategic level. Among other things, we advise governments to shape policy in such a way as to create the right incentives for developers to optimally initiate the hydrogen transition.

In addition to national generation, in the future we will probably also obtain hydrogen from countries that can supply it on a large scale; in this way we will import this new energy carrier to the Netherlands. To this end, Rebel has developed a strategic model that looks at the entire chain from production to use and how the various components can be accelerated, both with financing and smart policy instruments.

Rebel acts as an advisor in hydrogen projects. We provide M&A advice, make business cases, think about financing and guide the financing process through to Financial Close. Rebel also provides strategic (policy) advice on hydrogen acceleration, with modeling and a systemic view of the chain.

Rebel acts as an advisor in hydrogen projects. We provide M&A advice, make business cases, think about financing and guide the financing process through to Financial Close.

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