In brief
No other sector is as diverse as the healthcare sector, and no other sector is subject to the same degree of constant change. The Netherlands has traditionally scored well on quality of care. But due to our aging population, the introduction of more advanced technology and increasing demand, our healthcare costs are rising. Work is being done in many areas to keep care affordable while maintaining standards of quality. As a healthcare consultant, Rebel has been lending a hand for many years already. We do so by devising and implementing innovations that we ourselves believe in. We combine financial and economic skills with a thorough knowledge of the sector to provide the best advice on healthcare.

Working to future-proof our healthcare system
1 in 4. That’s how many people have to work in care to cope with the increasing demand for care in the coming years. And even then it remains to be seen whether we can cope with future demand for care in the Netherlands. This requires a transformation of the content of care, for example by focusing on preventing care and strengthening primary care. Agreements about this have been made in, among others, the Integral Care Agreement (IZA), the Healthy and Active Living Agreement (GALA) and the Housing and Care Agreement (WOZO). Rebel advises governments, health insurers and care providers in the concretization and calculation of agreements from these agreements. We also use our knowledge and expertise to draw up impactful transformation plans arising from the IZA.

Financial advisor on (housing) issues of healthcare organizations
We help healthcare organizations finance their operations and housing plans. This can be a hospital, a nursing home or any other type of healthcare facility. Issues arise from a merger, an intended renovation or new construction plans. Together with the stakeholders (board, medical specialists, health insurers, patients and care partners) we design a financeable plan and guide them from start to finish.

Healthcare of the future
Will we still have hospitals in 2040? In 1970 you were in the hospital for six weeks with a broken leg, now you’re out in a day and going straight to rehab. GP practices are no longer one GP with an assistant, but are full-fledged businesses with specialties. E-health makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of treatments and contribute to patient safety. We think and work to improve curative care. With our financial and sector knowledge, we help create feasible business cases and invent new ground rules and mechanisms that enable out-of-the-box thinking. In this way, we contribute to the future-proofing of healthcare!

Participation in society: A fragile equilibrium
Not everyone is able to participate fully in society. For those with an intellectual disability or a psychiatric disorder, life can be a precarious balancing act. There are times when life runs smoothly, but things can easily take a turn for the worse and all too quickly these vulnerable individuals may find themselves on the margins of society. Since these people do not fit neatly into categories, our work in this sector mainly involves integrating various systems to create a care chain. We work for the healthcare institutions (mental healthcare organizations and forensic care) and municipalities that work on behalf of this group. Recent decentralization and changes to the care system have brought major changes in the way care is organized and funded. We are providing support during this transition process in our role as mental healthcare consultants and by helping municipalities purchase care services. We also help care providers by developing innovative concepts and helping them to analyze social costs and benefits.

Growing old happily
Living a good old age. The elderly of the future make different demands on life and thus also on care. Growing old in good health and – if necessary – receiving care where you prefer: at home. Care that contributes to maintaining the quality of life by starting from the wishes and needs of clients. Rebel helps by working together with care providers, clients, health insurers, ministries and municipalities on innovative care and residential concepts and forms of organization and financing that support this innovation.