Water as Leverage: Setting the scene Nakuru

Realized in Kenya

This project aims to address Nakuru’s water and climate adaptation challenges through innovative urban water initiatives. With a focus on infrastructure and local partnerships, it seeks to develop bankable solutions supported by the community. By integrating urban design with local initiatives like the sponge city model, it lays the groundwork for sustainable urban development.

The challenge

Nakuru city faces floods and has experienced rapid, and consequently unsustainable, urban development. The need for sustainable and effective interventions is increasingly apparent.

The approach

Developed a document aimed at laying the foundation for creating bankable, innovative, and comprehensive proposals for urban water projects in Nakuru to address urgent water and climate adaptation needs.

The next phase will involve connecting integrated urban designs and planning strategies with local challenges, utilizing, among others, the sponge city model.


Developed an overview of Nakuru's climate related challenges and possible solutions.

The experience of a Rebel

Exciting work

"It is exciting to work on holistic solutions for problems that we are so passionate about, like climate change, deforestation and infrastructure investment gaps."
Rob Winters