Sustainable delivery Mechelen
Sustainable delivery Mecheles
Under the European Surflogh project, the Belgian city of Mechelen embarked on a participation process aimed at sustainable delivery methods for the city center. Logistics policy is being substantiated via pilot projects.

The key question: how can (local) governments concretize their views on urban logistics, and how can they realise their goals together with the stakeholders?
The Approach
To help the city of Mechelen amplify its participation strategy, we harnessed our expertise in the fields of logistics, PPPs, and finances/economics. On the basis of in-depth knowledge of the logistics system, we identified key partners and opportunities, and substantiated the opportunities together with stakeholders.
Rebel helped the city of Mechelen to concretize the economic implications of potential new logistics solutions. We built a calculating tool to tune traders in to the costs and savings entailed in the use of urban distribution centers. We factored in total logistics costs, i.e., including hidden costs. Thus, we provided traders with a low-threshold way to become acquainted with new logistics solutions.
Furthermore, we collected ingredients for a vision document and a collaboration strategy. We proposed a dual approach in this respect. Mechelen is committed to a well-defined medium-term ambition. In the meantime, we elaborated various pilot projects with the private sector in order to clarify the road towards this ambition. While the city of Mechelen continued to pursue this ambition. This resulted in a sustainable urban logistics covenant.
Basis for structural collaboration between the city, logistics stakeholders, and traders.