Masterplan Sport Campus Brugge
Masterplan Sport Campus Brugge
The Flemish government, the high school Howest and the City of Bruges want to share an innovative sports campus. A masterplan has to be accompanied by a viable exploitation model.

The challenge
Existing infrastructure has to gradually expand to a future-proof campus. Three partners, sharing the same ambitions, need to make long term cooperative agreements about costs and benefits.
The approach
Keingart Space Activators (Denmark) and Dertien 12 Architectuuratelier (Belgium) guide the clients through an intensive conceptual process. They use the Research by Design-method and develop innovative infrastructure, where related sports can be played and discovered by professional and recreative participants.
Rebel examines and underpins the financial and operational feasibility with analyses of exploitation costs and models, with CAPEX and OPEX calculations, with a practical tool for a multiannual budget, with propositions for the allocation of risks, costs and benefits, and with research on grant opportunities.
“If frictions between partners about ‘who does what when with which money?’ keep on existing they make any decent progress on the procedural, legal and financial matters impossible. It’s our task and engagement to solve and neutralize these frictions to save the ambition, concept and future the partners want to share.” – Filip Canfyn
Concept, construction and investment are framed by the demands of long term exploitation.