sustainable heat sources: geothermal or otherwise

The government's target states that 7 million homes and 1 million buildings should be natural gas-free by 2050. Off the gas - but then what? Rebel works on alternative heat sources, such as geothermal or aquathermy, and advises on the associated infrastructure: heat networks. The demand for energy in the form of heat is even greater than that in the form of electricity, which is why the heat market will continue to grow in the coming years.

In short

Geothermal: a challenging market

Geothermal is a clean and renewable source of heat (and sometimes electricity) that plays an important role in the energy transition. Challenges abound in this regard. Drilling for heat requires large investments and comes with many uncertainties. Rebel has been working on the development of geothermal installations since 2013 and has helped many customers successfully develop, finance and implement geothermal, heat storage and heat distribution systems.

Rebel acts as a consultant for geothermal projects that meet the heat needs of greenhouse horticulture companies and/or the built environment. In this, Rebel connects technical, legal and financial disciplines and proactively contributes to setting up contract structures that make project realisation a reality. Our services include: providing M&A advice (buy and sell side), calculating Business Cases, setting up the financing strategy for these complex assets and the associated dependencies with various contract parties, advising on strategy and providing and supervising a financing process up to Financial Close.

Supporting the heat transition

A key challenge is for municipalities, housing corporations, heat suppliers and other stakeholders to make optimal choices in the heat transition. Rebel therefore advises these stakeholders on various issues surrounding sustainable heat.

In the context of the Heat Transition Vision, we help municipalities with the question of where to start with the transition, and which area- and building-specific solutions to involve. We are happy to collaborate on concrete plans to realise heat projects that are still in the development phase, such as new heat networks with sustainable heat sources. For example, we support various housing corporations to reach a connection agreement with a heat supplier or a broad sustainability strategy. Our extensive knowledge of the energy sector, circularity, business cases and impact calculations, financing and structuring of cooperation between public and private parties is extremely useful here. We also provide training on financing the sustainability of the built environment and give policy advice on the heat market.


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