Sustainable commissioning strategy for Dutch water boards

Realized in The Netherlands

Sustainable commissioning strategy for Dutch water boards

Rebel supported the Unie van Waterschappen – the association of the 21 Dutch water boards – in defining a sustainable commissioning strategy.

The Challenge

Every year, water boards spend about €2 billion on contracts. Incorporating sustainability into these commissions can have a huge impact on challenges such as the energy transition and circular economy.

The Approach

The Sustainable Commissioning for Water Boards strategy is aimed at translating the water boards’ sector-wide ambitions to the market. The Unie van Waterschappen brought Rebel in when the drafting of the strategy was already well underway, because the authors needed a fresh, critical perspective. Rebel’s Sustainable Commissioning experts took a pragmatic approach to this review, enabling the authors to polish the piece as much as possible in the limited time remaining.

After completing the review, the same consultants helped the association to incorporate comments and prepare the document.


With the sustainable commissioning strategy, the water boards become leaders in increasing the sustainability of the public sector and reducing their own footprint.

The experience of a Rebel

Exciting project with a huge impact

"Public procurement is a huge driver for innovation and sustainability in government-dominated markets, such as groundwork, road construction and hydraulic engineering. With this strategy, the water boards are positioning themselves as leaders in this field."
Advisor circulaire (bouw)economie, innovatie en aanbesteden
Gerben Hofmeijer