Strategy for sustainable procurement for the Dutch Water authorities
Strategy for sustainable procurement for the Dutch water authorities
Rebel supported the Dutch Union of Water authorities, the association of the 21 Dutch Water authorities, in defining their strategy with regards to sustainable procurement.

The challenge
Collectively, the Dutch Water authorities spend around €2 billion a year in public tendering. Embedding sustainability in these tenders can make a major impact. As such, the water authorities can contribute to challenges such as the energy transition, circular economy and inclusion of people with a so-called distance to the labor market.
The approach
The strategy sustainable procurement of the water authorities is a strategy to translate sector-wide ambitions of the water authorities to the market. The Union of Water authorities involved Rebel when the strategy was already developed as the developers needed a fresh and critical view on their work.
Rebel’s experts on sustainable procurement provided a review in a pragmatic way, while the developers of the strategy could refine the strategy at the same time.
Strategy for sustainable procurement for the Dutch Water authorities.