Resilient PPPs: A Regional and Multisectoral Toolkit for Sustainable Development
The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and Rebel have partnered to create a toolkit designed to promote a comprehensive approach to environmental sustainability and climate resilience in public-private partnership (PPP) development. This Toolkit provides a set of guidelines based on identified best practices, enabling governments in the region to integrate climate resilience and natural disaster risk management considerations into standard PPP analyses and procedures.

The challenge
Climate phenomena and natural disasters are estimated to cost Latin America and the Caribbean at least 1% of regional GDP annually, with some heavily impacted countries facing costs of up to 2%. Integrating climate resilience and disaster risk management into the PPP lifecycle is a relatively new goal for governments. This toolkit aims to enhance existing efforts by promoting best practices in climate resilience and ensuring the seamless integration of these considerations throughout the PPP lifecycle.
The approach
The toolkit builds upon initial efforts by Rebel, the IDB, and the Government of Jamaica to incorporate climate resilience into the PPP lifecycle. In this updated version, Rebel and the IDB have expanded the scope to create a series of tools that can be customized for the specific guidelines and procedures of contracting authorities and public entities across Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as various sectors. The toolkit is organized into four sections that align with the main stages of the PPP project lifecycle: Project Appraisal, Structuring, Transaction, and Contract Management.
The toolkit is organized into four sections that align with the main stages of the PPP project lifecycle: Project Appraisal, Structuring, Transaction, and Contract Management. It is available for download here:
This comprehensive approach empowers governments and project planners in Latin America and the Caribbean to effectively address climate resilience throughout the entire PPP project lifecycle.