Promoting Inclusive PPPs in Latin America and the Caribbean
Rebel and the IDB have developed a groundbreaking guide aimed at mainstreaming gender equality and social inclusion throughout the PPP lifecycle. This toolkit represents a pioneering effort to promote gender equality and social inclusion, encompassing women, indigenous communities, Afro-descendants, persons with disabilities, and the LGBTQ+ community.

The challenge
Historically, infrastructure planning and design have overlooked the distinct needs of women and various groups. The application of a “one-size-fits-all ” approach fails to recognize — and often exacerbates — the existing gaps in access to and use of infrastructure services that disproportionately affect women and various groups in Latin America and the Caribbean.
The approach
The IDB engaged our team to create practical guidance for inclusive PPP planning, development, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation. The guide identities key entry points for integrating gender and diversity considerations at every stage of the PPP lifecycle.
We conducted interviews across Latin America and beyond to highlight PPP projects that have successfully incorporated gender equality and social inclusion in one or more phases.
Applying a gender and diversity lens to infrastructure projects could potentially increase GDP in OECD countries by 2.5% by 2050.