Market sounding for climate finance in Zambia

Realized in Zambia

The World Bank initiated a project to identify the financing needs, challenges, and opportunities for climate mitigation and adaptation projects in Zambia. As part of this effort, the World Bank tasked Rebel with conducting a market sounding on the state of finance for these projects in Zambia.

The challenge

The World Bank Group (WBG) has a long history of working with the Government of the Republic of Zambia (GRZ). It is essential that the World Bank’s support is grounded in a robust and holistic assessment of the climate financing landscape in Zambia. This includes its financing needs in response to climate challenges and ambitions, as well as the opportunities, challenges, and institutional or contextual factors impacting its ability to mobilize this much-needed finance.

The approach

Rebel conducted interviews with key stakeholders from the energy, agriculture, forestry, and financial sectors, supplemented by desk research. The results of the market sounding were presented in a technical note,

informing the World Bank’s strategy for advancing the financing of climate adaptation and mitigation projects in Zambia.


Providing actionable recommendations to address the financing needs in energy, forestry, and agriculture sectors, contributing to climate finance initiatives in Zambia.

The experience of a Rebel

Facing oppertunities and challenges

"Through our market sounding in Zambia, we uncovered crucial insights into the climate financing landscape by engaging stakeholders from energy, agriculture, forestry, and finance, revealing both opportunities and challenges for mobilizing funds for vital climate projects."
Irene Seemann