Management of platform Youth & Work
Management of platform Youth & Work
Even the most vulnerable young people should be able to find work in the Netherlands. That’s why Rebel runs the Youth & Work platform, which supports and connects young professionals.

The Goldschmeding Foundation was looking for an enterprising partner to breathe new life into its Youth & Work platform. The aim of the platform is to give all young people in the Netherlands the opportunity to develop their talents and make free choices about school and work. The focus is on growth, allowing promising initiatives to scale up, and connecting the large number of existing initiatives in the Netherlands by means of a platform where people can meet and interact with each other.
The Approach
There are many initiatives in the Netherlands that aim to bring about a more inclusive labor market. Young people with a vulnerable position in the labor market receive support in their search for employment from all kinds of different organizations, which often have strong local ties. The Youth & Work platform finances alliances in which two or more parties join forces to work on a specific challenge. The initiatives need to be scientifically substantiated, with high relevance to the sector in question. A multi-year perspective and opportunities for growth and scaling up are also of special interest to us.
The Youth & Work platform encourages organizations committed to helping young people in the labor market to work together. It also provides a space for online and face-to-face interaction through meetings, a website, a LinkedIn page, and a private LinkedIn group. Through this platform, we bring together organizations, professionals, and researchers, allowing them to share and develop knowledge and best practices, and to exchange experiences.
We ondersteunen en verbinden initiatieven waarmee jongeren in kwetsbare posities werk vinden én houden