Development of a cost-benefit-tool for the training program „Klima.Profit“

Realized in Germany

The modular KLIMA.PROFIT process supports companies on their path to climate resilience. In a process lasting around 10 months, individual solutions, and measures for adapting to climate change are developed.

The challenge

Technically suitable climate adaptation measures are not always economically viable for companies. Cost-benefit analyses are therefore needed to help identify the most suitable measures from an economic perspective.

The approach

For the training program “Klima.Profit” Rebel has developed a cost-benefit tool according to the FAST standard in Excel, which can be used to calculate the profitability of climate adaptation measures for individual companies.

The tool distinguishes between monetary and non-monetary cost and benefit aspects.


Development of a tailor-made cost-benefit tool to assess the economic viability of climate adaptation measures for companies.

The experience of a Rebel

Informed investments

"Our tool helps companies to make informed investment decisions by identifying the most economically viable adaptation measures."
Irene Seemann