Upscaling Private Sector Investment in Climate Adaptation in Asia and the Pacific

Realized in Philippines

Rebel, together with Royal HaskoningDHV and ITP, is supporting the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in developing projects with an increased focus on climate adaptation financing.

The challenge

The main challenge is to incorporate climate adaptation into ADB’s private sector initiatives, including both PPP and regular private sector projects. This involves developing expertise in assessing the costs and benefits of climate adaptation and supporting ADB’s ambitions across various sectors, such as infrastructure, transportation, energy, housing, and agriculture.

The approach

Rebel has developed internal tools for ADB to assess climate risks, identify adaptation measures for PPP and private sector projects, and determine their economic and financial feasibility. Additionally, we formulated arguments for blended finance and identified opportunities for developing new instruments to support climate adaptation.

We also provided guidance on incorporating climate adaptation considerations into ADB’s microfinance projects.


We developed tools to assess costs and benefits of incorporating climate adaptation into private projects.

The experience of a Rebel

An important discussion

"Our in-person training on assessing economic and financial feasibility of climate adaptation showed how important it is to discuss climate risks and adaptation with different actors in development banks and beyond."
Roxana Leitold