Future design of the carcass market
Future design of the carcass market
The carcass-processing market is a regulated monopoly. We examined and evaluated various potential models for opening up the market

The challenge
Both the incumbent party and the potential entrants had significant interests at stake. The challenge was to obtain correct, objective information for an analysis.
The Approach
We previously examined the carcass-processing market in 2015. New technological developments and possible changes to the ‘market appetite’ of entrants provided a good reason for updating that research. We reanalysed market competitive dynamics based on the five forces from Michael Porter’s framework: competition within the industry, substitutes and complements, power of suppliers, power of customers and entry barriers.
By means of discussions with market participants, interest groups, the regulator and policy makers, we formed an understanding of the way the market functions and the advantages and disadvantages of organising the market differently. We then described this in detail. The study provided a factual basis – not recommendations – for the client to decide on whether they wanted to push for an alternative organisation of the market.
We empowered the customer to make their own informed decision about the future organisation of the market.