Viability Gap Funding Concept Note for the 100% electric Dakar BRT (PIDG, Emerging Africa Infrastructure Fund (EAIF)

The challenge
The approach
Rebel assessed the project to establish i) whether there is a need for a VGF grant from EAIF/PIDG and ii) what the amount of the VGF grant should be and iii) the benefit(s) and affordability of the relevant project. The scope of work for RebelGroup included the following:
1. Review of all available project documentation, including (pre-)feasibility studies, the concession agreement, impact measurements, demand studies etc.; 2. Review of the financial model; 3. Stakeholder interviews; 4. Preparation of a VGF Concept Note to justify the need and use of VGF funding by PIDG; and 5. Presentation of the VGF Concept Note to the PIDG Technical Assistance Committee (TAC).
The Dakar BRT project secured financing and had its inauguration in January 2024, including a USD 10 million VGF from PIDG.