Ongoing strategic advice to the Jobs Fund
Ongoing strategic advice to the Jobs Fund
We are supporting government mechanisms that address key enterprise development and employment barriers through more effective public and private sector partnership and collaboration.

The challenge
South Africa’s notoriously high unemployment rate is not just an economic issue. Rather the effects of unemployment reverberate into both the social and political spheres. The government, together with its social partners, is grappling with ways to support and enable economic growth in a manner that mitigates the impact of poverty, unemployment and exclusion.
The approach
The Jobs Fund was established by the government to encourage innovation and give greater impetus to initiatives with the potential to generate sustainable employment. It targets and funds large, game-changing initiatives in high-potential sectors with a strong emphasis on innovation and systematic impact.
Rebel helped to design and set-up the Jobs Fund, and to develop the overall Jobs Fund strategy. We have also been involved in making recommendations to the investment committee regarding which projects to fund, and in providing procurement and contract/project management support.
The Jobs Fund has created 84,040 permanent and 24,420 short-term jobs and placed 48,708 people in permanent positions.